Thursday, 4 July 2013

Health and Safety

Being the designer of a piece i have to make sure that my final outcome is safe t the public that will be viewing the piece.

  • Design/Shape of the piece
  • Size/Strength
  • Location
  • Suitability
  • Materials (Rust, Rot)
  • Weather (Strong wind)
  • Offensive to the public?
  • Social/Economic/Subject
  • Instillation-How will it get there?
  • Maintenance after the piece is complete and fitted
  • Post complection
  • Public Liability Insurance
  • PPE

if these things are not considered, problems such as public accidents may happen. Considering these ideas means you are less likely to face one of these problems. Tackling these problems will benifit us as the artist as is means Public Liability insurance doesn't have to be considered. Also is puts a good name on the artist, showing they have designed and thought through the health and safety risks when producing a public art sculpture piece.


My Chosen Word


I am basing my sculpture fountain work around the scales which means equal, and everyone based around the art department are equal and 'one' 
For the actual scales i am going to use either 2 bike wheels, or hanging metal baskets that can hold flowers because  they will already have the metal chains attached but i feel like the bike wheels will be more sustainable. then i will
have to attach the bike wheels with old metal chains. for the main centre pole i will use an old metal one of a wooden pole but i think that the metal pole would look better and also more sturdy with the longtime it will be used for. i will also spray paint all the metal poles gold to give it a 
more rustic look to it. i might also add some detail into the main pole sections using wire and old chains also for the base of the sculpture i am going to use or make like a three legged base from thick metal to hold down the sculpture and make it more stable.