Sculpture Trail
On Wednesday the 19th i took a trip into Cambridge and following a trail i went round taking photos of different sculptures around the surroundings. i was fascinated by some of the sculptures that i saw on my trip but some did confuse me and wasn't sure if i would class it as a sculpture. For example i saw a photo of a crocodile carved into the brick wall and i didn't see how it was classed as a sculpture. There was such a wide variety of different sculptures such as ones that moved also ones that where imbedded in the side of shops. i think sculptures are important to the surroundings in towns and cities because they make the places more welcoming and comfortable.
i enjoyed the overall sculpture trail but some times found it quite hard to find where they were. i really liked the sculpture that was in the side of the john lewis shop. i thought it was quite a personal piece and i like the material they have used to create this piece and also the whole theme that is being portrayed of the mother and her baby.
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